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The Brothers Sisters Essay “Crime Doesn’t Pay”

January 21, 2013

The Brothers Sisters

“Crime Doesn’t Pay”

By: Brendan Carroll

   People have always looked to the action of crime for being a correct outcome in overwhelming situations. Upon the situation, man people’s minds would imagine different circumstances that other would not be able to envision. Crime is a gruesome act that many people turn towards to gain revenge or achievements from their past. Someone usually begins committing small offensive crime that continues to be left unpunished. As one feels the rush from not being caught, they presume to attempt another crime. The adrenaline rushed gained with condoling such an activity soon becomes a way of life. These actions begin to be ones lifestyle and they’re way to live. People killed to live and lived to kill. In the book “The Sisters Bothers” I was informed about this lifestyle and how two characters, Charlie and Eli live their life as a Wild West hit men duo. I read more about how the crimes took place and why crime doesn’t pay. Committing a crime comes with conflicts, regret, and modern morals.

   First, crime is an omission that constitutes a wrongdoing that is prosecuted by the province or territories and is punishable by law. During the days of the Wild West, crime laws were not entirely enforced. People were hired to kill. These cold-blooded men became the killers and sheriffs of the town. Eli and Charlie are examples of two hit men that were hired to kill by their boss. Both brothers seem to relish the killings throughout their tasks they were given. As these events took place, conflicts were created. Eli and Charlie began to consider if killing was the wrong way to deal with what they were going through. People around them were being hurt, and their own personalities were changing into darker characters. Others surrounding their set tasks were creating conflicts for the two cold-blooded killers Charlie and Eli. This left them to believe all conflicts and outcome that came from killing stood in their way because of the actions they were choosing. The indicated and past actions show that proceeding with the crimes created conflicts of crime that doesn’t pay.

   Secondly, people who become captivated by attempting crimes often feel regret no matter the outcome. Regret is indicated by a person’s emotional reaction after feeling remorseful about past actions. People often feel regretful remorse when a deep down feeling inside the person is brought to their mind. Eli would second think the outcomes and situations that could come from both Charlie and his own actions. During the time as hit men, they both felt regretful remorse about what they have become, but were not able to stop because of the satisfaction it was providing them. Both Charlie and Eli gained negative recognition for what they were doing to their own selves, but were not able to control how it would come of them. This exemplified that proceeding with the crimes created regret of crime that doesn’t pay.

   Lastly, a similar reaction applies to one’s moral self when committing such a perpetration. Modern morals apply to the wrongness of actions. When one is in a situation of crime, he or she often thinks of the outcome and morals of the consequences.  In the situation of acting upon a crime, the relevance of the presence does not outweigh the action of the crime. The normative force given by the presence makes one believe that it is the right action to commit; leading one to consider any influence of whether it is morally right or wrong. Charlie and Eli throughout the book are put into situations of how their emotions and actions morally affect their influence on their well being of committing the crimes. Both Charlie and Eli still carry out with their corruption against the law, but feel as if it is the right proposition to achieve. Eli seems to come to a sense of normality when he believes that the events of criminality will come back to haunt him. Still believing this, Eli ‘s control to stop the actions becomes less powerful and believable. This exemplified that proceeding with the crimes creates modern morality of crime that doesn’t pay.

   To conclude, conflict, regret, and modern morals come from people’s actions of crimes they commit. Though these actions, crime doesn’t pay. Reading the book “The Brothers Sisters”, it tells the reader about the life style and insanity crimes that came with living in the Wild West as hit men. For Charlie and Eli crime did not pay in the outcome of their events. Even though through the actions they progressed towards their boss’s and own personal crimes, I believe both Charlie and Eli felt sorrow about their actions. There will always be conflicts, regret, and modern morals that come of the outcome of crime.


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